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IMPORTANT INFORMATION.By reading this site, the reader acknowledges their personal responsibility in choices for mental health for themselves and their children, and agrees that the AYCNP or anyone associated with this site, bears no responsibility for one's personal decisions in choices for mental health. Anyone coming off medication should do so gradually rather than abruptly, and under a doctor's supervision. Anyone experiencing thoughts of suicide should seek support.
Books worth reading on bipolar disorder
Meeting the Challenge of Bipolar Disorder: Self Help Strategies that Work!, by the Association for Natural Psychology, Gabrielle Woods PhD (Editor), Laura Pipoly PC EdD (Foreword)
Self help is effective for bipolar disorder and can positively help symptoms. 33 individual ideas in self help as well as a well-developed introduction on the subject are considered in this self-help book. Overcoming Bipolar Disorder Using Self Help Methods is based on actual cases of recovery and remission, as well as research, with a further reading and research section after each chapter.
Healing Depression & Bipolar Disorder Without Drugs: Inspiring Stories of Restoring Mental Health Through Natural Therapies, by Gracelyn Guyol

Former public relations executive Guyol was determined to be free of psychiatric medication that caused dangerous side effects; that was the catalyst for this guide to the most effective natural remedies for depression and bipolar disorder.
In moving real-life stories, readers will meet people whose illnesses left them incapable of basic functioning yet they continued their search for healing, discovering alternative and mainstream healthcare providers with whom they partnered.
While no single treatment cured them, a combination of helpful supports restored their mental, emotional and physical capacities. Guyol's respectful presentation of their tenacity in the face of great obstacles is, perhaps, the main strength of this effort. Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Overcoming Mood Swings

Extreme emotional states, highs and lows that are often associated with bipolar disorder, can be intense. Mania and depression can be difficult to overcome. This is a self-help book for those who experienced mood swings, whether or not those mood swings are labelled as bipolar disorder. The methods used here are tried and tested, practical, and help you to carefully self-regulate. It can help you to break the cycle of mood swings and achieve emotional stability. Self-monitoring sheets are also included in this book.
The Bipolar Workbook: Tools for Controlling Your Mood Swings by Monica Ramirez Basco PhD

Overcoming bipolar disorder can be hard work and take commitment and a positive attitude. However, there is much that an individual can do to help himself, and self help in bipolar disorder is often ignored. This book offers practical ideas in overcoming bipolar disorder.
Overcoming Bipolar Disorder: A Comprehensive Workbook for Managing Your Symptoms & Achieving Your Life Goals , by Mark Bauer, Evette Ludman, Devra E. Greenwald, Amy M. Kilbourne

In Overcoming Bipolar Disorder, a prestigious team of researchers and experts on bipolar disorder presents this research-based program for helping people with bipolar disorder manage symptoms, explore triggers and coping responses, and develop a comprehensive plan for living a full life based on core values and goals.
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Page updated November 18, 2015
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Help for Bipolar Disorder — Coaching
Similar to a therapist, a life coach personally assist a client towards goal attainment, personal growth, and well-being. The support of a life coach can help in practical areas of life, and though not a therapist or counselor, he or she can be a supportive and non-judgmental part of a support team. Australian clinical and coaching psychologist Suzy Green, Ph.D., states that, "Life coaching is differentiated from business, executive, and workplace coaching in that it usually occurs outside the corporate environment, and is focused on the individual’s whole of life."
Behavioral change might be more easily initiated with the help of a life coach, and he or she can help you stick to your plans and goals for recovery. The support of a coach can help keep you going when you feel like giving up, and therefore can be emotionally supportive and affect cognitive change in an individual. Coaching is an excellent option of a support team for persons with mental health difficulties. The services of a coach are less expensive than therapy, and life coaching can work in conjunction with therapy.
A life coach provides a helping hand for those with bipolar disorder, and can contribute to successful recovery.
Professional life coach Mary Ruben states, "Although bipolar disorder can affect the people around you, it's easier to meet these challenges with support from a professional life coach." She adds that, "By far, most coaching clients pay their coach to be a sounding board to really listen to them and give honest feedback."
The Role of a Life Coach and What This Means for Those with Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder
The Life Coach serves as a:
Sounding board: 84.8%
Motivator: 78.7%
Friend: 56.7%
Mentor: 50.5%
Business consultant: 46.7%
Teacher: 41.0%
Taskmaster: 30.5%
Spiritual guide: 29.5%
Other: 13.3%
A coach, like a counselor and unlike a therapist, is more likely to give advice to clients. A therapist, especially in talk or interpersonal therapy, is supportive and non-judgmental, but is not likely to give specific advice. Advice can be helpful in ways that therapy is, but a therapist is more likely to lead you to solutions to your problems based on your own interpretation of the situation, while a coach may actively point out to you the direction that he or she feels will help you.
A coach is more likely to help you with matters of practicality than would a therapist, such as how to better organize your schedule, home, or budget, where to go for financial advice, what possible job changes you might consider, etc. A coach can be a type of teacher for the individual seeking support.
Although a therapist may be important, useful, and productive in terms of his approach to healing, a coach, in an instructive capacity, may serve a different function. He/she may help an individual with bipolar disorder, in particular, in ways that are both therapeutic and practical. In other words, though therapy is important, teaching or instruction is just as important.
Coaches with Specific Specialties
There are life coaches/coaches specific to disorders as ADHD and bipolar disorder. Coaches can help teach skills that are practical and useful. Due to the labeling and stigmatization associated with mental illness, many of those suffering may have social skills that need refining.
Stages of Social Development and How it Relates to Teenagers
Psychoanalytic theorist Erik Erikson created a psychological theory that focuses on social development. The stages that he outlined are as follows:
Trust versus mistrust, an infant’s dilemma
Autonomy versus shame and doubt, seen in a toddler
Initiative versus guilt, in very early childhood
Industry versus inferiority, a school age child’s dilemma
Identity versus role confusion, a crisis in adolescence
Intimacy versus isolation, occurring in one’s early adulthood
Generativity versus stagnation, occurring in middle-age
Ego integrity versus despair, in late adulthood
One should note that mental health disorders like bipolar disorder most often begins manifesting itself in late adolescence or early adulthood. For this reason, the crises of "Identity versus Role Confusion" and "Intimacy versus Isolation" may not be resolved well in a person with mental health difficulties that started in late childhood and early adulthood. This means that one might lack a solid identity and feel very isolated, not only due to other people's perhaps unwelcoming tolerance towards those with mental health disorders, but also due to factors related to healthy social development.
Assistance on Developing Social Skills
Note that a counselor (which is different from a coach), in particular, can work with you in improving your social skills, not only by modeling appropriate social skills for you, but in advising you in terms of the meaning of social interactions. He or she can even role-play difficult situations with you concerning self-disclosure to others regarding mental health difficulties. Don’t assume an identity as a "mentally ill person" (thus accepting a permanent label). Do not to isolate yourself, but pursue and maintain healthy and social relationships.Employment of a coach can be an aid to greater social development and integration.
Negotiate Self-Disclosure Gradually
In terms of honesty and mental health disorders, in addition to getting support from a coach and/or a therapist, one should learn how to negotiate self-disclosure with one’s friends and acquaintances if one wants to share one’s circumstances as it relates to bipolar disorder. This can entail self-revelation that is tentative, incremental, and gradual. Many people will accept a mental disorder in another, but the way that it is disclosed may be of significant importance.
It should be noted that it is not necessary to disclose details surrounding one’s mental health condition with everyone. By having a few individuals with whom you can regularly talk openly about mental health issues, such as a coach, or someone who might be available by phone at convenient times can relieve the individual with bipolar disorder from feeling he needs to talk about mental health issues with those with whom such matters are little understood.
Support Should be Provided by Family and Friends for Any Family Member who Displays Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder.
For those who are friends, family, and acquaintances of individuals with bipolar disorder, supportive, concerned, and understanding friends are of much value. One supportive friend and one-time mentor of an adolescent with serious mental health difficulties built a successful relationship with a struggling adolescent by not addressing issues from the standpoint of a mental health disorder, but as she would with anyone else. She treated the adolescent who had been labeled with a mental health disorder as she would any other teen. The adolescent appreciated that he was afforded respect, honesty, and frankness, and this served to be both therapeutic and productive.
Conclusion on Help for Bipolar Disorder and Coaching
Receiving coaching for bipolar disorder from a life coach, then, can be enormously helpful, whether that be a life coach who specializes with individuals who have been labeled with bipolar disorder or otherwise. If you have any difficulty in finding a specialized bipolar disorder coach, a coach who is trained in working with clients who have been diagnosed with ADHD might also work well.
Many of the issues that such a coach may address can be related to both bipolar disorder and ADHD, as these two diagnoses can have similar symptoms or can be perceived as running concurrently. Overall, support from a coach in addition to a therapist may be ideal, but utilizing a coach without conjunctive therapy can result in substantial benefits as well.
References for Help for Bipolar Disorder - Coaching
1. Fleming, J., Ph.D. 2004. Erikson’s Psychosocial Developmental Stages. Southwest Psychometrics and Psychology Resources. https://swppr.com/Textbook/Ch%209%20Erikson.pdf
2. Green, S. Ph.D. June, 2007. Evidence Based Life Coaching: Psychologists Wanted. Australian Psychological Society. https://www.psychology.org.au/publications/inpsych/life_coaching/
3. Rubin, M. 2011. Bipolar Life Coach. https://www.marcyrubin.com/Bipolar_Life_Coach_Home_Pag.html
Other Resources for Help with Bipolar Disorder - Coaching (off-site)
1. How to Overcome Bipolar Disorder Through Self-Help Methods.
2. Murray, G., Suto, M., Hole, R., Hale, S., Amari, E., Michalak, E. E.(2010). Self-Management Strategies Used by ‘High Functioning’ Individuals with Bipolar Disorder: From Research to Clinical Practice. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy. Wiley Interscience.
3. Self-Help in Mental Health: 10 Healthy Ideas to Manage Life's Pressures. Mental Health America.
4. STRESS: COPING WITH EVERYDAY PROBLEMS. (2012). Mental Health America.
Other Resources, Books, for Bipolar Disorder
New Hope for People with Bipolar Disorder: Your Friendly, Authoritative Guide to the Latest in Traditional and Complementary Solutions
Jan Fawcett, Bernard Golden, Nancy Rosenfeld
Why some get worse rather than better taking antidepressants and precautions; seeing both sides of atypical antipsychotics and other medications that affect neurotransmitters; effective lifestyle changes; coping with stigma; guide to various forms of psychotherapy
Drawing Together to Manage Anger
by Marge Eaton Heegaard
Drawing Together to Manage Anger has very helpful ideas on anger management. The more we get away from violence of all types, the better we will be in controlling anger. Art captures the eyes in a kind way, and can help some develop self-control, especially when combined with other positive lifestyle changes and attention to spiritual and social needs.
Pages Related to Help for Bipolar Disorder - Coaching (on-site)
Coaching for Bipolar Disorder in Adults - Bipolar disorder coach specialist Bradley Foster, MA, details his methods in working with clients with bipolar disorder
Bipolar Disorder and Music
Dealing with Bipolar Disorder: Self-Monitoring for Relapse Prevention
Bipolar Disorder and Children, Sharna Olfman
Bipolar Disorder Treatment, Children and Teens
Treatment for Bipolar Disorder
Self-Help for Bipolar Disorder
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