• ADHD books published by NorthEast Books & Publishing, by Association for Youth, Children and Natural Psychology
  • ADHD books published by NorthEast Books & Publishing, by Association for Youth, Children and Natural Psychology


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Simplicity Parenting: Using the Extraordinary Power of Less to Raise Calmer, Happier, and More Secure Kids by Kim John Payne, Lisa M. Ross

Waldorf educator and consultant Payne teams up with writer Ross to present an antidote for children who are overscheduled and overwhelmed by too much information and a fast-paced consumer culture that threatens the pace and playful essence of childhood.

Parenting With Love And Logic (Updated and Expanded Edition) Foster Cline, Jim Fay

In the context of a healthy, loving relationship, "Love and Logic" parents teach their children responsibility and the logic of life by solving their own problems, providing skills for coping in the real world. After laying out the principles of "Love and Logic," the authors provide "parenting pearls," which are strategies for applying the method to actual situations such as back-seat battles in the car, homework, and keeping bedrooms clean.

Setting Limits with Your Strong-Willed Child: Eliminating Conflict by Establishing Clear, Firm, and Respectful Boundaries, by Robert J. MacKenzie Ed.D.

One of the cries of teachers and some school psychologists is that parents need to set firm boundaries for their children on many different fronts. This book helps parents to discern how they can set firm but loving boundaries for their children.

Page updated March 23, 2017

24 Positive Steps for Effective Parenting
-------------------------------for Children's Mental Health

The mental health of a child is more than a mysterious chemical imbalance, positive parenting, prevention, and developing resilience in a child can help a child to develop good mental health. Above all, children need time, attention and love.
The mental health of a child is more than a mysterious chemical imbalance, positive parenting, prevention, and developing resilience in a child can help a child to develop good mental health. Above all, children need time, attention and love.
Photo: Kevinfruet. Source: Valeria Resende

Diet and Children

1.  Balanced attention to diet and nutrition: low sugar, low carbohydrate, no soda, within reason. Light on the fruit juice. No sugared fruit juices. Junk food snacking only on special occasions.

Media adjustments to help children psychologically

2.  Cut down on TV, movie and video game activity as much as  is possible.

3.  Take video games and television out of the bedrooms.

4.  Keep the computer in a public place in the house. and keep an eye on how much computer time is being spent and what sites. Talk to your children about it. It is not always necessary to have the Internet in  the home. Do not allow children or teens to isolate themselves for hours a day on the Internet. Parental control software can be used to set firm time limits.

Professional help and education

5.  Pursue tutoring, coaching, mentoring in school.

6.  Pursue any other one on one programs in the public schools or public library such as reading tutoring that are available.

7.  Communicate with your children’s teachers regularly-visit often and attend  meetings.

Wholesome Recreation, Music and Art

8. Provide wholesome recreation for you children during the week and weekends.

9. Consider enrolling your child in art lessons.

10. Buy how to books and supplies for your children on art and decorate your  home  likewise.

11. Try to weed out any comic books or games that have occult or spiritistic overtones, or that are violent. This is true also of music. Encourage lighter, mellower, music rather than  heavy alternative music, gothic, heavy metal, grunge, hard core, or  hard  rock with spiritistic influences.  Keep tabs on how much time is spent.

12. Get a pet or fishtank. (It teaches responsibility and giving, it’s a  nice hobby with nice lessons to be learned.)

13. Enroll your child in piano or violin lessons.

14. Plan day trips to art museums, aquariums, zoos or places of historical interest.

Discipline and Support

15. Provide loving but firm discipline for your children.  Be consistent

16. Make sure your children have good companionship with suitable  friends.

17. Keep up on your child’s activities when they visit other children. Communicate with their friend’s parents about your child’s special needs.

Outdoor activities for children

18. Exercise, walk, camp, hike, visit local parks or lakes for recreation.

Sleep and precautions with sleep medicine

19. Make sure your child is getting to sleep at a regular and reasonable bed time and don’t resort to medicine to help him to sleep.(it can create a vicious cycle.)

Positive Parenting - Giving your child your time and love

20.  Spend quality and quantity time with your child. Show lots of love and approval regularly.  Be patient with your child’s progress. Try not to be a perfectionist.

21.  Take personal responsibility for your decisions and actions.

22.  Keep well-informed and well read on everything involved with your child’s situation. Parents magazine often has good articles, as does Awake magazine, in addition to many books that have been written. Be selective in which books you read on this subject.

23. Care for your family’s spiritual needs. Read the Bible, Bible stories and pray with   your child. Teach  him to pray. Pray for your child.  Build a value system in your  child. Don’t let TV  teach life’s lessons to your child.

24. Keep hope alive and don’t give up. Your positive attitude will reflect in your  decisions and your dealings with your child.

Clinical Study - Impact of Television on Development of Children's Language Skills

Parenting and Children Study: Objective To test the hypothesis that audible television is associated with decreased parent and child interactions. One clinical study was designed to determine the impact of television on young children with respect to children's language ability. While one might think that the viewing of television would increase a child's ability to understand and speak audible language, the study actually found that for every additional hour that a child was exposed to television, there was a decrease in 770 words (7%) that the child heard from an adult during a recorded session, as well as a reeducation in the number and length of sounds and spoken words by the child with the adult.

Audible Television and Decreased Adult Words, Infant Vocalizations, and Conversational Turns - A Population-Based Study, Dimitri A. Christakis, MD, MPH; Jill Gilkerson, PhD; Jeffrey A. Richards, MA; Frederick J. Zimmerman, PhD; Michelle M. Garrison, PhD; Dongxin Xu, PhD; Sharmistha Gray, PhD; Umit Yapanel, PhD. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2009;163(6):554-558.