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Porn Nation: Conquering America's #1 Addiction Michael Leahy

According to Porn Nation, pornography and sex-related sites account for nearly 60% of all daily web traffic. For over twenty million Americans pornography is a significant part of their life, addictive and steady. Porn Nation is based on the true story of Michael Leahy, who was himself a sex addict who only came to terms with his problem after losing his marriage and children. It takes the point home to each of us who may struggle with or have struggled with, this addiction, which can be as difficult to break as smoking or heroin.

The Porn Trap: The Essential Guide to Overcoming Problems Caused by Pornography Wendy Maltz, Larry Maltz

This provides solutions for pornography addiction, as well as instruction on the serious consequences of being trapped in pornography addiction.

The book helps you to,

- Learn how to stop using pornography and deal with its cravings
-Improve self-esteem and personal integrity
-Heal an marital relationship damaged by use of porn
-Develop a normal sex life

Treating Pornography Addiction: The Essential Tools for Recovery by Ph.D. Kevin B. Skinner

This CD is helpful for counselors of all types and helps them to have the necessary skills in helping others to break free from pornography. It comes with a CD, and can help spouses whose mates are caught in this traps, as well as helping parents whose teens are addicted to pornography.

Art can help you win the battle with pornography addiction. Drawing and painting faces helps you to focus your eyes on human subjects in a positive and loving way. Taking up portrait art can be an aid in overcoming the desire to view pornography.

Page updated: December 6, 2015

Pornography Effects

Mental Health and Pornography Addiction

This page has been edited and reviewed by psychologist R. Y. Langham, M.M.F.T., Ph.D.

Some feel that pornography is a healthy outlet for an individual’s sexual needs, while others assert that pornography contributes to an unhealthy and distorted view of sex and personal relationships. Pornography can lead to depression and/or anxiety. In addition, this sexual pastime can trigger or worsen manic depression (i.e. bipolar disorder) symptoms.

Pornography addiction is often progressive.
An effective way to overcome pornography addiction is to get out and socialize with others. Isolation and boredom can contribute to pornography addiction.  

Pornography Can Lead to Depression

Love is one of the most important factors in maintaining good mental health. Pornography has been described as "anti-love" in that it causes one to view others as objects to sexual exploitation, the objectification of others the opposite or same sex.

Sex with a partner, ideally, is two-sided, with both partners exchanging and receiving satisfaction. It is not just a physical act, but involves an intense emotional connection. The emotional bond formed within a marriage helps enhance the act of “making love.” In fact, the deep emotional connection between these two committed individuals often lends to a more satisfying and fulfilling sexual experience. While not all married individuals have satisfying sexual relations, but happy and stable relationships and marriages enrich and enhance the emotional and physical aspects of sex.

Pornography, on the other hand is most often one-sided, with only one person receiving sexual satisfaction. In fact, with pornography, there are generally no physical exchanges (i.e. touching, fondling, kissing, cuddling, sexual intercourse, etc.). The lack of physical stimulation with another partner or human contact usually results in those viewing pornography to complete the sexual experience through masturbation. As a result, loneliness, low self-esteem, and/or depression can result.

According to Penny Frolich & Cindy Meston, professors at University of Texas, Austin, and authors of "Sexual Functioning and Self-Reported Depressive Symptoms Among College Women Clinical" (2003), clinical studies indicate that there is a correlation between masturbation and depression.

Pornography Addiction Can Lead to Sexual & Relationship Difficulties

Pornography can interfere with one’s ability to have a healthy and mutually satisfying sexual relationship with his or her partner. Some married or committed men can become impotent as a result of pornography addiction. In some cases, pornography addiction can contribute to obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), manic depression, that is bipolar disorder—and/or major depression. This does not mean that everyone who views or is addicted to pornography will acquire the symptoms associated with a mental health disorder, but that for some who acquire the symptoms of some mental health disorders, pornography addiction can be part of the underlying cause.

Overcoming a Pornography Addiction

A fascination with pornography is certainly common, however, for many, it wreaks havoc on their romantic relationships and mental health. It is important to note that breaking free from pornography addiction is by no means easy. In fact, for some, it is the hardest addiction they ever have to overcome.

Some pornography addicts report that the withdrawal process is similar to that of the withdrawal process for heroin and cocaine addicts. It is important to note that some porn addicts will not be able to fully recover without familial and professional help. In some cases, spiritual strategies such as prayer and reading the Bible can help someone overcome pornography addiction.

Using Practical Measures & Art to Break Free from Pornography Addiction

Replacing the eye's focus from the imagery of pornography with positive and pleasant images of art can also  help in overcoming pornography addiction

Creating art can help one break free from pornography addiction. Replace the strong visual attraction of pornography with a socially positive and visually pleasing activity that increases self-fulfillment and self-esteem.

For persons who are visually oriented, a healthy way to fulfill the need for visual stimulation is to engage in creative art. An interest in art not only helps develop one’s self-esteem, but it also helps to improve concentration. Art has been successfully used as a psychotherapy technique to help those with mental illnesses, emotional distress, psychological disorders and stress. It can also be one positive step to help those with pornography addiction permanently break free from it!

Additionally, practical measures such as exercising on a regular basis, removing the television out of the bedroom--late night cable television might be a source of sexual fuel or soft porn--and maintaining positive social contacts, avoiding isolation, and psychotherapy can benefit some struggling from pornography addiction.

References and Resources - Pornography Effects

1. Mary Anne Layden, Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology, Psychiatry Department, University of Pennsylvania. Co-Director, Sexual Trauma and Psychopathology Program.

2. Graemme Mashall, Are You Saying 'NO' to Internet Pornography?

3. Child Pornography - Approximately 500,000 Americans engage in child pornography. Many times, child pornography slips through the cracks. The lack of monitoring at public libraries have caused them to be a haven for those who want to view pornographic images, including sexual images of minors, children and even babies.

4. Frolich P. & Meston, C. (2003). Sexual functioning and self-reported depressive symptoms among college women. University of Texas: Austin.

5. Pornography - Harmless or Harmful? (2003). Awake!

Pornography, Mental Health and Pornography Addiction Resources

Patrick F. Fagan, Ph.D. - The Effects of Pornography on Individuals, Marriage, Family and Community

Robert A. Baron, Ph.D.  - Effects of Pornography.

Sean Covey - Analysis of Pornography and Pornography Addiction

How Exposure to Pornography Affects Children

K9 - Free Parental Internet Filtering Software