• ADHD books published by NorthEast Books & Publishing, by Association for Youth, Children and Natural Psychology
  • ADHD books published by NorthEast Books & Publishing, by Association for Youth, Children and Natural Psychology


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Effective School Interventions, Second Edition: Evidence-Based Strategies for Improving Student Outcomes
by Natalie Rathvon PhD

70 interventions that have been demonstrated to improve the classroom learning environment, academic achievement, and student behavior and social competence. Each intervention is presented in a brief, standardized format with step-by-step procedures that can easily be implemented by Pre-K-12 teachers and other school-based professionals. Individual, class, or schoolwide level.

School Psychology for the 21st Century: Foundations and Practices Kenneth W. Merrell, Ph.D., Ruth A. Ervin, Ph.D., Gretchen Gimpel Peacock, Ph.D.

"I am currently using this book as one of two primary texts in a graduate-level introduction to school psychology course..." --Brian C. McKevitt, PhD, School Psychology Program, University of Nebraska-Omaha

Overcoming ADHD Without Medication: A Parent and Educator's Guidebook, by the AYCNP

How parents and educators can help children to overcome ADHD and childhood depression, naturally. Lifestyle changes, educational efforts can be very effective. Many professional and other resources listed. Extensive bibliography and index.

From Disability to Possibility: The Power of Inclusive Classrooms. By Patrick Schwarz

Specific kinds of teaching, classroom practices, and support approaches for teachers teaching in an inclusion classroom setting (with disabled or special education students.

Earn an accredited su college degree program through online education or distance learning.

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Photo: U.S. Census Bureau

Page updated: January 8, 2016
School Psychology, Education, and Mental Health

... Plus the role of social workers, and the benefits of Interpersonal Therapy
for children and teens

The Work of Psychologists/Social Workers in Schools

School psychologists can be a vital link in the support team for children and teens. However, not every school has a psychologist, and a social worker might fill the role usually reserved for the psychologist in some schools.

Interpersonal or talk therapy is one way in which school psychologists, social workers, or other professionals might interact with children and teens. This can be of value in helping students get through crises or to deal with childhood or teen depression, family upheaval, or other crises.

Children, Public School

School psychologists and social workers are the backbone of the child study team, and can be of much help to children who are experiencing mental health difficulties or crises at home or in school.

School psychologists work with students in early childhood, and elementary and secondary schools. They collaborate with teachers, parents, and school personnel to create safe, healthy, and supportive learning environments for all students.

The school psychologist attempts to address the students' learning and behavioral problems, suggest improvements to classroom management strategies or parenting techniques, and evaluate students with disabilities, as well as gifted and talented students, to help determine the best way to educate them. They help improve teaching and learning, as well as encourage socialization strategies based on their understanding of the psychology of learning environments.

They also may evaluate the effectiveness of academic programs, prevention programs, behavior management procedures, and other services provided in the school setting.

The school psychologist can take on different roles in various schools and in different school systems. It's definitely not a cookie-cutter job.

In 2006 there were 152,000 clinical, counseling, or school psychologists in the United States.

The child study team in a school setting usually consists of a school psychologist, a social worker, and possibly a psychiatrist. Special education staff is also involved.

Some school systems have parent liaisons who serve as a communication link. At times, the role of the social worker may blend into that of a therapist or psychologist within the public school, especially when there is no school psychologist or clinical psychologist in the school itself. Some high schools may have a full-time clinical psychologist.

Special Education Programs and Individualized Attention are Crucial

Early Childhood Special Education 

Children thrive with one-on-one attention. Special education classrooms where there is a greater teacher-to-student ratio, and where there may be attentive teacher's assistants and/or student aides, can help a child experiencing difficulties do well academically and get the attention he or she needs.

Some children experience a "miraculous" turnaround when they receive individual attention from various sources. Some of the positive effects sometimes attributed to medication might in fact be due to the attention a child receives from supportive staff and professionals.

Additional AYCNP Articles Related to School Psychology

Ideas for the Classroom

ADHD and Preschoolers

How teachers and principals can help children and parents make
the most out of their years in school

Marijuana and School, Grades

Children and Breakfast, School

The Value of Parental Training - Ideas from school psychologist Keisha Hill

Keisha Hill, Ed.S, a school psychologist who works in Paterson, New Jersey public schools, comments on parental training and what schools can do. Her ideas are being implemented in a number of public schools in Paterson, NJ, Newark, NJ, and other inner-city schools.

Keisha Hill works daily with children who have ADHD and other special needs. Apart from what can be accomplished within the school system, Dr. Hill recognizes that the home environment plays a vital role in a child's ability to concentrate in school, as well as his or her psychological and emotional development.

With that in mind, she recommends parental training for parents whose children have special needs. Parental training groups can be very valuable when children have special needs, and these can be provided by educators and psychologists from within the school system.
This can be of much benefit to a child's progress.

"Every day I talk to hard-working educators, parents, guardians, and grandparents who are calling out for help in dealing with children with ADD/ADHD. Regarding the classroom, teachers and staff would benefit from more training in research-proven strategies for children with ADD/ADHD.

Furthermore, from what I have seen, these strategies are potentially beneficial to all students, even those without attention difficulties.  

However, the school, on its own, cannot create optimal environments for children with ADD/ADHD. The home environment component is very important. Although many parents are doing the best they possibly can to help their inattentive/hyperactive child to just make it through the day without a tantrum or crisis, parent training groups have proven to be very effective in the gathering of fresh ideas and support for many a frustrated/tired parent.

For example, once parents understand that children with attention difficulties can not self-regulate or 'keep everything together' as well as other children, they will need assistance from a parent with concepts such as decision-making, time-management, and organization. Keisha L. Hill, Ed.S.

Additional Educational and School Psychology Articles (on-site)

Limitations of public school child study team and psychological services

Gangs: Notes from grade school assembly

Character Education in Public (and other) Schools

Internet Safety: Notes from a Public School meeting

Resources, Education, & Special Needs

Citizen Schools
This is an after-school program for disadvantaged youths in many states in the U.S. for mentoring, vocational training, and self-esteem. www.citizenschools.org

Free Teens (off-site link)
Free Teens USA reaches more than 10,000 teens annually in urban and suburban areas of NY and NJ with messages of healthy relationships, self-leadership, and character development. Free Teens aims to help youth achieve their life dreams and goals, including that of preparing for a committed love relationship that can last a lifetime!

Education Without Borders
“Our mission is to provide youth across all socio-economic, racial, national, and cultural backgrounds with a dynamic educational experience in the Americas. Every youth will become an integral part of a community of learners focusing on increased global awareness through community service, literacy, language immersion, and cross-cultural activities. We strongly believe that an educational travel experience has the power to change lives and increase academic success and resiliency, broadening horizons and transforming youth into community leaders.”

Best Children's Books
Booklist with 200+ of positive books for children and teens
for parents, the classroom and school or public libraries