• ADHD books published by NorthEast Books & Publishing, by Association for Youth, Children and Natural Psychology
  • ADHD books published by NorthEast Books & Publishing, by Association for Youth, Children and Natural Psychology


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Children, Adolescents, and Media Violence: A Critical Look at the Research, by Steven J. Kirsh

"Kirsh strikes a good balance between breadth and depth, presenting a concise yet holistic review of the media violence literature. The book does a great job of integrating diverse findings and providing a deeper understanding of processes underlying media violence effects that can benefit both psychologists and a general audience." (Craig A. Anderson; -- Myths and facts about youth and violent media. )

Steven J. Kirsh is a Professor of Psychology at The State University of New York at Geneseo. During his youth, he reports spending many hours, and dollars, in the video arcades of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Professor Kirsh’s primary areas of research focus on the influence of violent media consumption on emotion recognition and social information processing. He has published Media and Youth: A Developmental Perspective (2010) and coauthored the most recent edition of Psychology for Living: Adjustment, Growth, and Behavior Today (2011), as well as numerous scientific articles and book chapters. Professor Kirsh currently teaches courses in the areas of child development, introductory psychology, research methods, and media violence.

Violence in America, Edited by Ronald Gottesman

This is an excellent encyclopedic reference for research and libraries.

A complete reference on the subject of violence in the United States

Media Violence and Children: A Complete Guide for Parents and Professionals (Advances in Applied Developmental Psychology), by Douglas A. Gentile

"Firmly, undramatically, this solid book step-by-step reaches the powerful conclusion...This is one of those rare books which has the potential to change our culture." - Paul Simon Director, Public Policy Institute


Page updated: November 14, 2015

Violence in America -
-------------History, Media, Sports Encyclopedia

Violence in America provides excellent coverage of this topic.

The encyclopedia set Violence in America: An Encyclopedia (Three Volume Set), by Ronald Gottesman, provides excellent coverage of the subjects of the history of violence, violence in the media and sports violence, as it applies to the United States. It is worth having in the public library or your personal reference library.

Violence in America provides excellent coverage of the subject of violence from every angle. America was founded on violence and war, from the Revolutionary war, and even from the time of the Pilgrims. Our recreation has come to be violent, our sports and hobbies, whether it be pro-football, pro-hockey, or violent video games. This provides thorough coverage of the subject, and there are references in here that it might be difficult to find elsewhere. This is a good set for every library and every scholarly library.

Pro-football is considered to be an inherently violent sport.

The violence of pro-football is evident and is one aspect of violence in America that this encyclopedia set considers. Ken Hamlin is described as one of the hardest hitters in the NFL - (photo not from book)- Source: Real GM Football Forum

As examples of the coverage of sports in this set, typically, sports such as boxing and football are considered to be "inherently violent" in this reference work and many others. Professional hockey is also listed as a violent sport as it is played in the NHL. Hunting as sport is also listed among sports "inherently violent". The violence of baseball is also considered in this volume, as being a sport, not inherently violent, but that the violence is often among players in the form of fights and brawls, as well as in the stands among fans. (The book The Psychology of Baseball by Mike Stadler, in contrast, discusses the act of pitching as a violent act, capable of spontaneously rupturing the spine, as has taken place with 19 pitchers in Major League Baseball history).

The Library Journal states concerning Violence in America, "This three-volume set on the social, historical, biological, and cultural aspects of violence in the United States offers 600 entries on topics ranging from violence, homicide, and race and ethnicity to women, child abuse, labor and unions, sociobiology, "ultimate fighting," television, gun violence, and various events and persons. Gottesman (English, Univ. of Southern California) and Brown (history, Univ. of Oregon) define violence not only as "physical, emotional, or psychological" injury but also as the threat of injury to individuals, animals, property, or environment. Ranging from 500 to 5000 words, the signed entries are by academics in criminal justice, history, psychology, sociology, and English, among other disciplines.

This is a very nicely done encyclopedia with a carefully constructed index, bibliographies, some 350 photographs, and useful appendixes. The well-written and informative entries are an excellent starting point for high school and college research projects. Though it overlaps considerably with Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace and Conflict (Academic Pr., 1999), that work focuses somewhat more on war and international issues and is for a strictly academic audience. Violence in America is highly recommended for academic, high school, and public libraries." ---Mary Jane Brustman, Univ. at Albany Libs. Copyright 2000 Reed Business Information, Inc.

Violence in its many forms does affect mental health and can contribute to depression and suicidal ideation for some.


Mental health is affected by many social and environmental factors, some of which are controllable. Violence in the media is one of those factors.

Pages Related to Violence in the Media

Violent video games effect

Television and TV Violence

Children and Media Influence

Sport Psychology

Psychological Effects of Films