• ADHD books published by NorthEast Books & Publishing, by Association for Youth, Children and Natural Psychology
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Beyond the Disease Model of Mental Disorders by Donald Kiesler


Blaming the Brain and Beyond the Disease Model of Mental Disorders, provide the reader, on a scientific and evidence-based level, convincing proof of the causes of mental health disorders, basically disproving various psychiatric cliche-mantras, such as those that say that mental health disorders are simply a "chemical imbalance".

The medical model theory of mental health comes under scrutiny, and the purely biological, or bio-chemical explanation for mental health disorders is proven to be false. Therefore, "cures" or treatments where are based solely on the medical model of mental health, while convenient, are not valid.

Both books indicate that biology and genetics many form one component among many which can contribute to mental health disorders, however, biology is overemphasized in psychiatry. Part of the reason for that is robust marketing and slight of hand by pharmaceutical companies since that 1960s until now. The theory or model of mental health you follow, or that individual doctors, including general practicioners(family doctors), pediatricians, psychiatrists, psychologists, counselors and therapists, will make a difference in the type of treatment pursued.

A multi-causal approach to mental health is much more accurate and closer to the truth, if not being the truth about mental health disorders, and while this approach is much more complex and takes more time and effort on the part of the doctor or therapist, and on the part of the client, it is a foundation for more complete and permanent mental healing.

Blaming the Brain: The Truth About Drugs and Mental Health, by Elliot Valenstein 


Excellent information on mental health, detailed and research proven, evidence based, scientifically sound.

Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal: A Guide for Prescribers, Therapists, Patients and their Families , by Peter R. Breggin MD

This book establishes guidelines and to assist prescribers and therapists in withdrawing their patients from psychiatric drugs, including those patients with long-term exposure to antipsychotic drugs, benzodiazepines, stimulants, antidepressants, and mood stabilizers.

Page updated December 2, 2012

Anticonvulsant Drugs in Mental Health Treatment
------------------------------------Their Effects and Side Effects

Anticonvulsant drugs. Lamictal
Lamictal. One of many anticonvulsant drugs originally created for use in treating epilepsy, now with a strong market for bipolar disorder and other mental health disorders.

Anticonvulsant medications were originally developed to treat seizures, but they were found to help control moods as well. They are used as mood stabilizers also. Anticonvulsants are often called antiepileptic drugs (abbreviated "AEDs") or antiseizure drugs (abbreviated "ASDs").

One anticonvulsant commonly used as a mood stabilizer is valproic acid, also called divalproex sodium (Depakote). For some people, it may work better than lithium. [6] Other anticonvulsants used as mood stabilizers are carbamazepine (Tegretol), lamotrigine (Lamictal) and oxcarbazepine (Trileptal).


Psychiatric Drugs-Types

Anticonvulsant drug treatment. Depakote

Depakote is an anticonvulsant that was originally used to treat epilepsy, but the use of which was later expanded to treat migraine headaches, and used for serious mental health disorders.

  • Depakote/Depakene (sodium valproate, valproic acid, divalproex sodium)
  • Gabitril (tiagabine)
  • Lamictal (lamotrigine)
  • Neurontin (gabapentin)
  • Tegretol (carbamazepine)
  • Topamax (topiramate)
  • Trileptal (oxcarbazepine)
  • Keppra

  • Anticonvulsants during pregnancy, birth defects:
    Published studies have found that women taking anticonvulsant medications during pregnancy run a substantially higher risk of having a child with birth defects. This is of serious concern to the bipolar community, since some of the epilepsy medications involved in this study are also used as mood stabilizers, and women who take any of these drugs for migraine headaches should also be aware of the findings.

    Increase in Suicide Risk for those taking Antiseizure or Anticonvulsant Drugs

    There is some link between suicidal ideation and actual suicide attempts to anticonvulsant or antiseizure drugs. These drugs were originally designed in treating seizures, but their use was expanded to treating migraine headaches and for mental health disorders such as bipolar disorder.

    While the actual numbers of suicides was not large, their is a significant increase in suicidal ideation, with use of anticonvulsant drugs. The actual rate of suicidal ideation appears to be double with the use of anticonvulsant drugs used in treating epilepsy, in comparison to that with of a placebo.

    Actual statistics on increased risk are, "4 suicides and 105 reports of suicidal symptoms among the 27,863 patients who were given the drugs compared to no suicides and 35 reports of suicidal symptoms among the 16,029 patients treated with placebos." That represents a 0.43 risk risk for those on antiseizure or anticonvulsant drugs, compared to a 0.22 risk for those with similar health conditions not on antiseizure drugs.

    Anticonvulsant Drugs Sources:
    1. Carey, B. (2008, Feb 1). F.D.A. Finds Increase in Suicide Symptoms for Patients Using Seizure Medications. New York Times.

    2. Drugs Linked to Suicidal Behavior. (2008, Jan 31). MSNBC.https://www.cafepharma.com/boards/showthread.php?t=253467

    3. Mula1, M., Hesdorffer, D. C. Suicidal behavior and antiepileptic drugs in epilepsy: analysis of the emerging evidence. (2011, June 16). Drug Health Care and Patient Safety. 2011; 3: 15–20. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3132858/

    4. What medications are used to treat bipolar diosrder? (2009, June 15). National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH).

    Related Articles - Off-site links

    The Ethics and Science of Medicating Children, Jacqueline A. Sparks, The University of Rhode Island; Duncan, B., (Spring, 2004). Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry, Volume 6, Number 1

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