• ADHD books published by NorthEast Books & Publishing, by Association for Youth, Children and Natural Psychology
  • ADHD books published by NorthEast Books & Publishing, by Association for Youth, Children and Natural Psychology


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The Association for Youth, Children and Natural Psychology is a non-profit New Jersey corporation.

Page updated Novermber 21, 2015

Three approaches to cognitive behavioral therapy are:

1. Rational emotive behavior therapy
2. Stress-inoculation training (from Donald Meichenbaum)
3. Cognitive therapies of Aaron Beck

1. Rational emotive behavior therapy attempts to change maladaptive, faulty, thinking processes of the client. Rational emotive therapy uses debate and persuasion to help clients to change their thinking.

2. Stress-inoculation therapy involves a self-instructional training which focuses on altering self-statements. You might, self-pep-talk.

3. Beck's Cognitive therapy was originally developed for treatment of depression but later used for anxiety disorders and obesity, conduct disorder in children. It has also been used in treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome. Clients are made aware of the connection between their patterns of thinking and their emotional responses. They are taught to identify their own automatic thoughts.

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