• ADHD books published by NorthEast Books & Publishing, by Association for Youth, Children and Natural Psychology
  • ADHD books published by NorthEast Books & Publishing, by Association for Youth, Children and Natural Psychology


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Shock Therapy: A History of Electroconvulsive Treatment in Mental Illness, by Professor Edward Shorter, Professor David Healy

The authors explain that shock therapy is making a comeback today in the treatment of serious mental illness. This book is not against shock therapy, but highlights how it has helped some with depression. (This website does not necessarily advocate this method of treatment).

Doctors of Deception: What They Don't Want You to Know About Shock Treatment, by Prof. Linda Andre. Rutgers University Press.

As early as the 1940s, scientific literature began reporting incidences of human and animal brain damage resulting from ECT. Despite practitioner modifications, deleterious effects on memory and cognition persisted.

Andre carefully intertwines stories of ECT survivors and activists with legal, ethical, and scientific arguments to address issues of patient rights and psychiatric treatment. Echoing current debates about the use of psychopharmaceutical interventions shown to have debilitating side effects, she candidly presents ECT as a problematic therapy demanding greater scrutiny, tighter control, and full disclosure about its long-term cognitive effects.

Brain Disabling Treatments in Psychiatry: Drugs, Electroshock, and the Psychopharmaceutical Complex, by Peter Breggin, MD.

Page updated: November 19, 2015

Famous Persons Who have Undergone Electroshock Therapy (ECT)

Famous persons who have undergone electroshock therapy. Jazz musician Thelonious Monk.
Jazz Musician Thelonious Monk, 1947

  • Antonin Artaud, French poet and playwright

  • Miles Buchanan, brother of Australian actress Simone Buchanan

  • Paulo Coelho, author of The Alchemist

  • Kitty Dukakis, wife of former Massachusetts governor and 1988 Democratic presidential nominee Michael Dukakis and author of Shock, a book chronicling her experiences with ECT

  • Thomas Eagleton, US senator and vice presidential candidate

  • Roky Erickson, American singer, songwriter, harmonica player and guitarist

  • Francois Luong, a prominent gay rights activist from Western Sydney

  • Janet Frame, New Zealand writer and poet

  • Romulus Gaita, father of Australian philosopher Raimond Gaita

  • Judy Garland, actress

  • Harold Gimblett, British cricketer. "Rita [his wife] came to see me and couldn't believe the difference. I had some colour back in my cheeks..."

  • Peter Green, English blues guitarist, founding member of Fleetwood Mac

  • David Helfgott, Australian pianist

  • Ernest Hemingway, American Pulitzer Prize winning novelist, short-story writer, and journalist

  • Marya Hornbacher, American writer

  • Thelonious Monk, American jazz pianist and composer

  • Dave Mustaine, American musician, Guitarist and lead vocalist of Thrash Metal band Megadeth

  • Michael Moriarty, American actor

  • Sherwin B. Nuland, American surgeon and writer

  • Sylvia Plath, American writer and poet

  • Lou Reed, The Velvet Underground

  • Yves Saint-Laurent, French fashion designer

  • Townes van Zandt, American country singer-songwriter

  • Vivien Leigh, English Actress and second wife of Laurence Olivier

  • Robert M. Pirsig, American author of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

  • David Foster Wallace, American writer

  • Gene Tierney, American Actress

  • Paul Robeson, American Socialist, singer, actor and civil rights forerunner

  • Carrie Fisher, American Actress best known for her role as "Princess Leia" in the Star Wars films

  • Spike Milligan, Anglo-Irish comedian and writer

  • Rachel Matz, Author

  • Pages Related to Famous Persons Who have Undergone Electroshock Therapy (ECT)

    ECT (electroschock convulsive therapy) for Depression