• ADHD books published by NorthEast Books & Publishing, by Association for Youth, Children and Natural Psychology
  • ADHD books published by NorthEast Books & Publishing, by Association for Youth, Children and Natural Psychology


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The Association for Youth, Children and Natural Psychology is a New Jersey non-profit corporation.

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Meeting the Challenge of Bipolar Disorder: Self Help Strategies that Work!, by the AYCNP, Gabrielle Woods PhD (Editor), Dr. Laura Pipoly (Foreword)

Overcoming Bipolar Disorder Using Self Help Methods provides tested and practical ideas in self help that can improve symptoms and help most with bipolar disorder to achieve remission. (Currently eBook. Paperback scheduled for January 15, 2013).

Page updated December 15, 2012

Antidepressants and bipolar disorder

Antidepressants alone are not effective in treating bipolar disorder, and studies have indicated that antidepressants combined with mood stabilizing drugs are not more effective in improving symptoms of bipolar disorder than mood stabilizing drugs alone. (Sachs, G., March 28, 2007. The New England Journal of Medicine) (Burgess, W., 2006. p.111.) Also, it is possible that antidepressants actually can make matters worse in terms of bipolar disorder.

Prozac is the  most-often prescribed antidepressant.
Picture: Prozac pills. Antidepressants as a second medication are not effective for bipolar disorder. Antidepressant use for depression can lead
to a later bipolar diagnosis.

"I try not to prescribe my bipolar patients medicines in the antidepressant class because they may not help bipolar depression. If anything antidepressants can worsen bipolar depression or trigger mania and psychosis. In fact, if you look in the most common physicians' reference, the Physicians' Desk Reference (PDR), you will find a warning about triggering mania or worsening bipolar disorder in the documentation for most antidepressants." (Ibid)

(Studies indicate that antidepressants increase likelihood of suicidal thoughts in children, teens, and also adults from the ages of 18-24. Hence, there are black box warnings on antidepressants concerning increased risk of suicidal thoughts. Antidepressants doubles risk of suicidal thoughts from 2% to 4%).

Bipolar Disorder Overdiagnosed reaffirms a recent study by Zimmerman, associate professor of psychiatry at Rhode Island University.


Best Psychology books - Natural Method - (off-site)

Pages Related to Facts on Bipolar Disorder Drug Treatment

About Bipolar Disorder Information and Facts

Bipolar Disorder Self Help 50 Natural Ways to Overcome Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder

Dealing with Bipolar Disorder: Self Monitoring for Relapse Prevention

Help for Bipolar Disorder - Coaching

Labeling in Psychiatry - The Medical Model of Mental Health and its Shortcomings

Bipolar Disorder Overdiagnosed

Bipolar Disorder and Children, Sharna Olfman

Bipolar Disorder and Music

Bipolar Disorder Treatment - Children and Teens Bipolar Disorder Overdiagnosed

Bipolar Disorder Poem

Bipolar Disorder Drug Treatmemt

Other books for reference on bipolar disorder self help or antidepressants.

The Bipolar Workbook: Tools for Controlling Your Mood Swings off-site

The Antidepressant Solution: A Step-by-Step Guide to Safely Overcoming Antidepressant Withdrawal, Dependence, and "Addiction" off-site